“Sustainable, resilient and climate friendly Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond” is the online course, which will be hosted by CIHEAM Bari’s eLearning platform (http://el.iamb.it/) aiming to turn/transform results and outputs into practical knowledge to implement the innovative solution identified and developed in the framework of the Horizon 2020 “FutureEUAqua” project.
Designed by CIHEAM Bari jointly with FutureEUAcqua Partners, the course is mainly addressed to aquaculture stakeholders, innovation brokers, SMEs and policymakers, involved in deploying innovations in aquaculture, with a focus on sustainable agriculture, feed ingredients and feeding strategies, organic aquaculture, production systems, safety and quality, monitoring technologies, consumer awareness and the European regulatory framework for aquaculture.
Available from 15 June 2022, the course will last 6 weeks with 5 modules each covering 6 to 8 hours per week – organised in 3 thematic sessions.
- Module 0: Introduction to eLearning methodology and approach (1 week)
- Module I: Innovative feeds and feeding strategies for improving welfare & performance of fish in sustainable and organic aquaculture (2 weeks)
- Module II: Consumer perception and preferences regarding aquaculture (1 week)
- Module III: Regulatory framework for aquaculture in the EU, with special focus on organic aquaculture (1 week)
- Module IV: Recovery/ retake and final synthesis (1 week).
Application form is available here!
You can read the full training program here!
Deadline for registration: 20 June 2022