Protecting your privacy is of the utmost importance to the FutureEUAqua project. All data of a personal nature that identifies you directly or indirectly will be handled fairly, lawfully and with due care.
This processing operation is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
What does FutureEUAqua do with your data?
Personal data is processed for the purposes of communicating and disseminating material in the FutureEUAqua project. The project uses data in the following cases:
- Anonymised data to analyse website use and deliver project statistics for project reporting purposes. This data is gathered through Google Analytics, if you don’t want your data to be collected by Google Analytics, you can opt-out through
- Cookies: a cookie is a file that is downloaded into your computer when accessing certain websites. Cookies allow websites, among other things, to store and to recover information about the browsing habits of users or users’ equipment and, depending on the information and on the way they use their equipment, cookies can serve as a way to recognize them. When you visit the website, we provide a cookie notification which informs you that we use cookies on this site. You can choose to accept cookies or not within your browser settings. Different browsers have different controls available to you. Typically, your browser will enable you to choose to accept, refuse or delete all cookies. Please select your browser below for further details:
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Safari
- Safari Mobile
- Opera
- If you attend a project event, or participate in a project activity, we need to send you information about the event or activity as well as a follow-up email containing related material (if relevant);
What we do with your data
Aside from cookies, we do not collect, store or re-use any personally identifiable data from your visit to this website. We will store data until 2023, when the website and its database will be erased.
Who is responsible for the data?
Nofima, as the coordinator of the FutureEUAqua project, is responsible for data collection.
Institution: Nofima AS
Phone number: +47 77 62 90 00
Postal address: Muninbakken 9-13, Breivika
Postboks 6122 Langnes
NO-9291 Tromsø
Right to complain
If you wish to raise a complaint or exercise any of your rights related to data management, you can contact us. If you are not satisfied, you can exercise any of your other rights pursuant to data protection legislation.
Updates to the Privacy Policy
Nofima reserves the right to modify this Data Privacy statement at any time. Any modification about this privacy notice will be updated on this web site to inform users.