Breeding for climate resilience: FutureEUAqua carried out semi-commercial scale climate trials to study the impact of climate change in salmon breeding

Register for the inaugrual ‘On The Horizon’ webinar

On Wednesday 29th September, FutureEUAqua is co-organising a webinar together with EATiP and Horizon 2020 sister projects AquaImpact, iFishIENCi, NewTechAqua and Aqua Excel 3.0.

The webinar is the first in a series aiming to disseminate specific aquaculture project outputs from the EU Horizon Framework programmes and demonstrating support for key objectives including the Strategic Guidelines for competitive and sustainable aquaculture in the EU, the Blue Economy, the European Green Deal and Farm 2 Fork Strategies.

The forum is organised with the support of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers.


Do you want to attend? Please register here.


Wednesday 29 September:

Agenda (10:00 – 12:00)

Welcome by the EATIP General Secretary, Mr. David Bassett

Introduction by the FEAP President, Mrs. Lara Barazi.

Virtual Aquaculture Laboratory for optimizing experiments with fish and water treatment setups.
Finn Olav Bjørnson
 | SINTEF Ocean


Dietary effects on growth, survival and behavioural responses in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) larvae.
Ibon García Gallego


Q&A and interactive Mentimeter


Potential of novel and circular based economy raw materials as main ingredients in salmon diets.
Katerina Kousoulaki | NOFIMA


Improving resource efficiency and disease resistance of farmed fish by selective breeding.
Antti Kause
 | Luke – Natural Resources Institute Finland


Genetic breeding approach to increase efficiency, reduction, and sustainability.
Julianna Kobolak
 | Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE)


Industry data for improved management.
Björgólfur Hávarðsson | The Seafood Innovation Cluster Norway


Q&A and interactive Mentimeter


Webinar conclusions