Webinar for stakeholders: Aquaculture and IoT
How Internet of Things can enhance aquaculture farms productivity and ensure sustainability ?
25th February 2021
2.00pm CET (Berlin/Paris time) via Zoom
by Dr. Sébastien Alfonso (COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca)
Objective of the webinar
- To learn about the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) to address the challenges of a sustainable and resilient aquaculture system.
About the webinar
- 1 hour event dedicated to the members of the Stakeholder Platform.
- 45 minutes presentation and 15 minutes Q&A session with experts.
If you are interested in joining the webinar, please register here.
For more information
- Zsófia Kertész (Campden BRI Hungary): z.kertesz@campdenkht.com
- Åsa Maria O. Espmark (Nofima): Asa.Espmark@Nofima.no
- Magnus Ljung (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences): Magnus.Ljung@slu.se
The webinar will be recorded. By joining, you are giving consent for this webinar to be recorded.